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Health Office | 760.331.6590




Betsy Meyer (760) 331-6590 ex: 6590
Health Technician and Attendance






Health Office | 760.331.6590


Welcome to the Poinsettia Elementary School Health Office,

Please keep me informed of any changes in your child's health or new medical conditions so I can best serve your child. I welcome parents to introduce themselves to me. All health related information is kept confidential.

The health office is open during school hours to address children's health concerns and emergency situations. If you have any questions of concerns please contact me by calling the school office or dropping by during office hours.

- Betsy Meyer, Health Tech



When to keep your child home from school

Children too ill to participate in normal school activities should not be at school. Not only are they unable to benefit from education when ill, they also may infect other children and staff.

Please call the health office if your child is feeling ill.  All health information is kept confidential.  Please call 760-331-6590 to report any symptoms or absence. 


Illnesses/Symptoms Checklist:

❒  Fever with or without chills

❒  Cough

❒  Shortness of breath

❒ Nasal congestion/runny nose

❒ Sore throat

❒ Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea

❒ Fatigue

❒  New loss of taste/smell

❒ Headache

❒ Muscle or body aches

❒ Poor feeding or poor appetite






❒  Fiebre con o sin escalofríos ______

❒  Tos

❒  Dificultad con la respiración

❒ Congestion nasal/moqueando

❒  Dolor de garganta

❒  Nausea/vomito/diarrea

❒ Fatiga

❒  Nueva pérdida de gusto/olfato 

❒  Dolor de cabeza

❒ Dolores musculares o de cuerpo

❒  Baja alimentación o apetito




Please do not send medication to school with your child.

All medication must be delivered to the health office by a parent or guardian, and be accompanied by an authorization form completed by the child's physician. Please pick up the “Authorization for Medical Administration” form from the health office.

Medication will be kept in the health office and administered only as directed by the physician. The medication MUST be delivered to the health office by the parent/guardian. PLEASE DO NOT SEND MEDICATION (THIS INCLUDES COUGH DROPS) WITH YOUR CHILD. All medication must be delivered to the health office in the original containers/bottles, labeled only by California pharmacists. No medication is supplied by the health office.


CUSD Immunization requirements

Parents must provide proof of immunizations (with specific dates and doctor’s signature) for all students when they enroll or transfer. In most cases, proof of immunization will be a yellow California Immunization Record or similar form. Click here for a list of the necessary immunization requirementsALL IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET BEFORE SCHOOL ENTRY. 

CUSD Kinder Dental Requirement
Oral Health Assessment Form (Not required for any other grades) | (English)
Oral Health Assessment Form (Not required for any other grades) | (Spanish)

CUSD 1st Grade Physical Requirement
School Entry Health Checkup Form (English)
School Entry Health Checkup Form (Spanish)

Medication Authorization Required For Medication Taken at School
Authorization for Medication Administration (English/Spanish)